GMRS is GROWING part 1 of 3
GMRS is growing Citizen Band Radio is shrinking and Amateur Radio is fairly stable. GMRS is growing in favor by many folks that travel in more then one car, RV’rs, campers, hunters, off roaders, preppers and more. I observe several reasons for this. It works well with FMRS radios which are often cheaper then GMRS. No license is required for FMRS but they have less range and can not use GMRS repeaters. The learning curve is fairly shot. For basic use they only have a couple dozen channels and once shown how and done once or twice accessing GMRS repeaters is fairly simple. There is no testing or training required before you apply for your license. This license allows you to let your family use your GMRS call sign and radios. The FCC assumes you have briefed them all on the FCC rules for their use. You as the license holder iremain responsible for their operation.