GMRS is growing 3 of 3

 HAM Radio license holders in the US are stable and with the increase use of digital applications in these areas growth is possible.

With ham radio as a technician license holder you can talk and do digital on well over 200 frequencies on the VHF and UHF bands. You also have voice on a small portion of the 10 meter band which is starting to open up again.

Once you obtain your general license or above you add all the other ham bands and thousands of more frequencies (channels). Here you can talk world wide when conditions are right.

Which is right for you depends on you CB and GMRS are local and some mid range cons.  GMRS adds repeaters which can extend your range.  These are plug and play with a small learning curve to use GMRS repeaters.  I feel every one should a couple of each.

If you like electronic’s HAM radio will be a great addition. Your license allows you to build and expairment with radios, antennas and digital modes.

I am not an electric engineer but enjoy tinkering with antennas and talking to folks 3000 plus without a phone, cell or landline phone or the World Wide Web on only 12 volts is power so I enjoy all three radio service’s.


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